1 Point Six Forum

Forum Purpose

How would YOU promote more inclusive, sustainable economic growth?

Welcome to the 1 Point Six Forum, an invitation-only, on-line discussion platform dedicated to the exploration of ideas, programs, methodologies, institutions, people and products which verifiably promote more inclusive, sustainable growth. This Forum welcomes input from all ideologies and points of view - conservative and liberal, activist and pacifist, secular and religious, academic and unlettered - with only two requirements: all must contribute and respond civilly, and no one can attack or impugn another person’s inherent dignity. That said, wrong-headed ideas will be scrutinized and rejected as appropriate and required. No valid solution causes more harm than the ill or ills they seek to remediate. Hippocratic oath considerations must always abide. 

The 1Point Six Forum draws considerable inspiration from the “Dialogue Over Diatribe: Maintaining Civility in the Era of Donald Trump events which Terry Keeley successfully co-hosted over several years with his friend, Mike Pyle, now a senior official in the Biden Administration. 

Dialogue Over Diatribe itself took considerable direction and inspiration from the work and insights of Jonathan Haidt, a Professor of Ethical Leadership at NYU’s Stern School of Business. Two of Professor Haidt’s books - The Righteous Mind: Why Good People are Divided by Politics and Religion (2012), and The Coddling of the American Mind: How Good Intentions and Bad Ideas are Setting Up a Generation for Failure (2018) - are required reading for those who seek greater understanding of their perceived adversaries. Such understanding is often a prerequisite for breakthrough, cross-divisional solutions.   
